
Wednesday, August 29, 2012

What I've Learned continued--2nd Week

Always make your copies the day (or 2) before. You never know when all the copiers on campus are going to break.

Always have extra activities planned in case you finish early. It's always better to have more to do than have idle students with 15 minutes left.

Grading assignments is a great way to get to know your students better! Consider keeping a spreadsheet to make notes and track their progress. In addition, grading is a great way to know what your students understand and what needs review.

Use the student grading system, whenever possible. This is a great time saver and also gives students immediate feedback.

You learn more from your students than anyone else. 

Use raffle tickets to motivate students to participate or work harder on homework. Draw weekly for prizes. Or use a chart to track how much students participate and award based on who gets the most points for the week. Apparently, there's also an App to track this as well.

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